I used to do that with every website thinking I would somehow magically capitalize on site traffic but it never turned out that way. It turns out I missed one simple detail: ONLY BUILD ONE FORUM! That’s like the golden rule of starting a forum.
I got it from reading this: https://www.affiliatebible.com/general-seo/building-a-profitable-forum.php
- awesome guide for building a forum!
The key question you should ask yourself is:
- Can I build a profitable forum?
Forums take time and money to run so if you’re not going to be profitable, it’s quite difficult to have a successful forum after you pay for hosting. Some thoughts for my website:
- Hmmm, I can definitely build a forum to promote my products. (Also enhances and strengthens the community, builds material for new traffic.)
- I can think of 1 forum to start with, which then splits to 3, and then later to 4.
- Do I have to do this now? Are there other ways I can grow my community first? (YES)
- Yes, I’ve got more products to build and release.
- Ok, so I guess I’ll build a forum later.
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