Today’s tech PSA so clients don’t make me want to jump out the window.
There are many explanations about whether to UNDERSCORES “_” vs HYPHENS “-” in your day to day technical tasks.
- SEO consultants say hyphens are better because it clearly separates words in search engines. (e.g. fancy-cars is read as “fancy cars”, and fancy_cars is read as “fancycars”)
- Python programmers say underscores are better ( vs because the hyphen means something else in Python.
- UI experts say hyphens look better because your eyes are constantly pulled to the bottom of the string.
- Usability experts say hyphens are easier since you don’t have to hold down the SHIFT key to type them.
I don’t care about any of those explanations. My only gripe is about its copy-paste computer usability.
UNDERSCORES copy-paste easier than HYPHENS
See for yourself. Try double-clicking the follow strings:
- underscores_are_the_best
- hyphens-suck
- See_how_easy_this_is
- See-how-annoying-this-is
- Periods.and#other?punctuation.suck.too!
Do you get my point? See…I touching anywhere from 10-20 websites or web servers per day. And it annoys the hell out of me to see filename and usernames using hyphens.
Unless you need a hyphen for readability or SEO purposes, you should always use underscore for everything that you do!
Please be kind to your developer. Make it easy for them to copy-paste text strings back and forth. You’re making the world a better place. THANK YOU!
Well, I use hyphens in the images file names. For SEO purposes , Johhnny. Images are included in my sitemap. And they do bring organic traffic.
Also I use hyphens in the posts’ slugs . Because of the same reason. They contain keywords.
Yes…that’s good practice. Hyphens in frontend assets.
I use both in file names.
Now I can quickly select just a part to modify if needed.